Sunday, December 22, 2019

Quantitative Critique Essays - 2858 Words

Article citation Harner, H., Hanlon, A.L., Garfinkel, M. (2010). Effect of Iyengar yoga on mental health of incarcerated women: A feasibility study. Nursing Research, 59(6), 389-399. Title The title is specific and concise, it is representative of the research report. From the title the focus of the study is understood including what was studied, who was studied, and where the study took place. It is also accurate and unambiguous. The title also described the study design, therefore the reader was not mislead on the data presented. Researcher credibility Each of the three researchers credentials and affiliations are disclosed on the first page of the article. All of the researchers have credentials in nursing†¦show more content†¦al., p. 390). Thus this research study being done fills a gap to the existing knowledge and will hopefully provide better treatment options for incarcerated women with mental illness. The use of direct quotes was minimal throughout the article. The research problem has significance to nursing, however this was not made very clear in the article. Purpose/ Research Question/ Hypothesis The purpose of the study was explicitly stated, â€Å"testing the feasibility of implementing a group format exercise intervention, specifically a 12-week Iyengar yoga intervention, in a woman’s correctional facility† (Harner,, p. 389). The phenomenon of interest was clearly defined, as was the study population. The articles reviewed showed key evidence to support yoga and decreased levels of depression. The authors clearly described the limitations of the literature review to the reader, there was no published studies that reviewed Iyengar yoga and incarcerated individuals. Theoretical framework The theoretical framework is based on the gender-responsive framework. It is unclear whether this is a nursing or non-nursing framework as it is not clearly defined. The gender-responsive framework is not clearly explained, thus making it difficult to determine its appropriateness for the study. This is one limitation of the study andShow MoreRelatedQuantitative Critique1662 Words   |  7 PagesQuantitative Research Critique: Responsibilities of Public School Nurses Grand Canyon University: NRS433V Quantitative Research Critique: Responsibilities of Public School Nurses Nursing has many roles, allowing for a diverse field to choose from upon graduation. One of those choices is the responsibility of a school nurse and consequently that of the entire population of the public school for which he/she works. School Nurses in New Jersey: A Quantitative Inquiry on Roles and ResponsibilitiesRead MoreA Critique Of A Quantitative Research Article1289 Words   |  6 PagesThe following is a critique of a quantitative research article with a qualitative component. 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