Wednesday, January 15, 2020

British Airways Mission Statement

|Week 5 Assignment: Vision Paper | |British Airways: | |Mission and Vision Statements and Strategy | | | |Aaron Tejares | |HR587 | | 1. Introduction Vision – it tells about what the company wanted to become about 5-20 years in the future. It is the master plan about where the company will be; a sense of direction. Often it reflects the dream of the founder or leader. It must be simple and understandable that everyone in the organization can feel excited on the vision. Mission- It tells about what the company is doing or the company’s passion.It is how the company will get to its vision. It is a  what  versus a  how, and is very similar to a vision statement in that it has a future orientation but in a short-term. Strategy – It is the step by step plan of the company on how to achieve the vision. It looks inside the organization and outward at the competition and at the environment and business climate. 2. Statements Organization British Airways  (BA) is the  flag carrier  airline of the United Kingdom, based in  Waterside, near its main  hub  at  London Heathrow Airport.British Airways is the largest airline in the UK based on fleet size, international flights and international destinations and second largest measured by passengers carried, behind easyJet. The British Airways Board was established in 1971 to control the two nationalized airline corporations,  BOAC  and  BEA, and two smaller, regional airlines, Cambrian, from  Cardiff, and  Northeast Airlines, from  Newcastle upon Tyne. On 31 March 1974, all four companies were merged to form British Airways. (Retrieved from http://en. wikipedia. rg/wiki/British_Airways) Mission: British Airways is aiming to set new industry standards in customer service and innovation, deliver the best financial performance and evolve from being an airline to a world travel business with the flexibility to stretch its brand in new business areas. Vision: Our corporate re sponsibility vision is to become the world’s most responsible airline, and we have developed guiding principles that describe what we are doing to achieve this goal. Strategy: FOCUSED ON OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE Meeting the rising expectations of our customers’ remains central to our strategy of transforming British Airways into the world’s leading global premium airline. Our investment in our staff, our fleet and our facilities are all about making sure we provide the very best in customer service. We want all of our customers to enjoy a premium service at every point of their journey, whenever and wherever they travel with us. † Global: What we offer will appeal to customers across the globe. Wherever we operate, individuals and business travelers alike will want to fly with us whenever they can.Premium: We will make sure all our customers enjoy a unique premium service whenever and wherever they come into contact with us. Our customers will recogniz e that the service we offer is worth paying that little bit more for. Airline: We will remain focused on aviation – moving people and cargo is our core business. We will develop new products and services to complement this. 3. Statement Validation a. From a theoretical standpoint, thoroughly explain the value of these statements to an organization. Vision statement is what the company wanted to be. In everything they do, it should be based on its vision.Vision is acting as the light at the end of the tunnel. Vision is not only about growing the company but also its impact in its community. Because a company depends on the people working as well as the customers, it is effective if the vision will affect its employees and customers. Having an effective vision will have the employees something to look forward to, and be motivated to achieve it. Mission statement is a declaration of an organization’s core purpose. It also must be simple for everyone to memorize it. It is the thing that needs to be done in order to achieve the vision.Mission statement needs to be easy to remember and it needs to provide actual direction. Just like the vision, it should also reflect how it will benefit the community and its employees. b. How can the vision, mission, and strategy drive change in the organization? These statements bind the organization for direction and motivation. Any change in the organization will have to coordinate with its vision and mission. It might be to improve the organization and achieve the vision quickly. It might also be because the leadership has change or the entire mission and vision have changed. . How can the vision, mission and strategy statements put limits on the organization when it comes to change? Vision, mission and strategy are what the company wanted to be and how to achieve it. Sometimes, there are better way to do things but is not the way the organization should do things. It limits the organization to change. An organizat ion cannot just change because they wanted to, or they think it will benefit the company. They must think first if it is align with the statements and if not, neglect the change and think of something else.

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