Friday, January 31, 2020

Critical Summary and Evaluation Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Summary and Evaluation - Term Paper Example Moreover, he believes that the education system needs to be reformed to such an extent that only the best students can be attracted to become teachers, especially in high school and middle school. This will encourage students to learn and excel in their academics, because they will be taught by people who know what is best for them. He observes that this is not the current case in most schools because most of those who are assigned as teachers are the ones who used to perform poorly in class. This, in Gutting’s opinion, is one of the reasons why there is so little motivation among students to perform in their academics; these students are not even focused on what they want to do in life, instead concentrating on irrelevant things. The same case seems to apply to those who teach them because they have no new knowledge to provide students. Since the teachers themselves were not strong performers in class, they do not concentrate on building the intellectual capabilities of their students. It can therefore, be said that more incentives should be provided to those teachers who are highly educated, so that they can comfortably be able to teach high school, hence do away with the need for students to go to college. ... Gutting suggests that steps be taken to ensure that high schools are as attractive to teach in as colleges are. Only the best teacher should be recruited to teach the students so that their performance can be improved. Furthermore, it is also necessary to improve the infrastructure in schools so that both teachers and students feel comfortable working within it. If all these are implemented, then, Gutting suggests, a high school education would be sufficient to allow an individual to function perfectly in the workplace. Only those who want to specialize in certain fields should be the ones going to college. Evaluation When one considers the article by Gutting, one will find that most of his arguments make sense. It is, indeed, true that the quality of high school education in America has been gradually eroding over the years. This is due to the lack of qualified people to teach high school students. If the majority of the teachers today were competent enough in what they were doing, then it would not have been necessary for students to go to college in the first place. College would have been only for those people who were interested in furthering their education. Making high school teaching jobs attractive would require the introduction of equal or more incentive than that given to college professors. This will ensure that more professionals who would otherwise have opted to teach in colleges going to teach in high school. Such a move would almost instantly ensure that the quality of education in high schools went up. It would offer high school students an insight into what exactly they would like to do in their lives. Furthermore, these teachers would function as role models for their students, who would

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